We did it! Four flights, 10 weeks, 437 senior war heroes honored. The 2021 season was short, it was quick, and it was a RESOUNDING SUCCESS!!
With the completion of HFC99 last week, Honor Flight Chicago flew 11 WWII, 65 Korean War, and 361 Vietnam War veterans to Washington, D.C., in 2021 to thank them for their service, their sacrifice, and to say WELCOME HOME.
We were the very first Honor Flight hub in the entire country to return to action with HFC96 on August 18. We flew all year in a bigger plane with more veterans (shoutout D.C. Guardians, especially!). In addition to flying one regular Honor Flight Chicago mission per month, we also put the long-awaited and historic Operation HerStory — the first all-female veteran flight from Illinois — in the air in early October.
What we are most proud of is this: Our hub led the way in the return to flight during this pandemic. The office fielded call after call from other hubs asking “How did you do it?” “How did this work?” Our answer first and foremost was simple: our volunteers. We have always been proud of our volunteer family, but after this year we are positively bursting. YOU. ARE. THE. BEST.
Our efforts this year have gone a long way toward spreading the positive message of Honor, Thanks, and Inspiration not just in Chicago but around the country. In addition to being featured on every single news network in Chicago, Honor Flight Chicago missions this year have been highlighted on NBC’s Nightly News with Lester Holt and the TODAY Show; ABC’s World News Tonight with David Muir; and on Veterans Day be on the lookout for heroes from HFC99 on CBS This Morning.
Flights may be over for the year, but we are still as busy as ever. Make sure to sign up for the Virtual or In-Person Operation Education 5K Fundraiser happening now (or in-person this Saturday, November 6, at Morton West HS in Berwyn!). We are hopeful that our annual Hockey Classic will make a return in 2022, as well.
And most exciting of all, the 2022 flight season will kick off with our biggest milestone to date: HFC100!
See you then!
Edna Ho and Doug Meffley
Directors, Honor Flight Chicago

“It is the first time since I got home from Nam’ that I was ‘Welcomed Back.’ For 50 years after I got back, I couldn’t cry. Well, it’s six days after the flight and I still have a lump in my throat which I hope never goes away.”

Vietnam Veteran Jim Weinstein

“I can’t tell you how much the HFC flight to Washington on 10/27 means to me. I feel like it is the first time since I got home from Nam’ that I was “Welcomed Back” and it was a powerfully emotional and touching experience to be with so many other Vets as well. The emotions were powerful and welcomed. I might have told you that for 50 years after I got back, I couldn’t cry. Well, it’s 6 days after the flight and I still have a lump in my throat which I hope never goes away when I think about this and all the wonderful experiences with the other Vets and all the volunteers.”  

Vietnam Veteran Jim Weinstein

Amazing day, I’m still in touch with my guardian.  We are exchanging pictures and communicating regularly.  What struck me was when I was on the flight home from Vietnam, and arrived in Chicago and no one was there to greet me.  It was tough.  Then to arrive home on this flight with family and friends to great me was so different and so special.  Other friends saw me on the news and have reached out to me.  Now I am handing out applications to other vets.  Just awesome!!”

Vietnam Veteran Theo Gray

“There are not words to describe the day and I still tear up thinking about it.  Besides having beautiful weather in DC, and the moving monuments, the highlight was the letters from the kids, and the welcome home in Chicago.  I did not expect my wife and oldest daughter, so was so surprised to see them and all the other families.”

Vietnam Veteran Ralph Heatherington

The whole day was awesome from seeing high brass at DC, the motorcycle escort, fire personnel saluting us, it all made me feel honored.  But the highlight for me is the letters from the kids.  I am still going through them.  The pictures the kids drew, painted jets, US Flag, Mother Earth with flag are just beautiful.  I read about 5 a day still and just say “Holy Crap” each time I finish with one.”

Vietnam Veteran Terry Chenore

“It was above and beyond anything I could have imagined.  The welcome home at Midway helped lessen the pain of returning from Vietnam in 1970.  The fire fighters, Navy men and women, then the crowds and family.  I was high-fiving and shaking everyone to the point my hands hurt.  My DC Guardian was great and the red shirts knew more about me than I did.  While I have seen the memorials before, going with 117 other vets made it so much more special since they had all been through some of the same things I had been through.  I still tear up thinking about the day.  Thank you all for what you do for the vets.”

Vietnam Veteran Jimmy Cagle

“Thank you for being so great! The whole day was more than great. Wonderful! Excellent! It was like being in a different world. Now I know how a celebrity feels! There were all of these people waiting for us, cheering and saying ‘thank you.’ I shook hands with so many people. It felt great inside. All I have are a bunch of thank you’s!”

Vietnam Veteran Juan Pena

“Oh wow, it was just incredible. Everyone was so helpful and grateful. I’ll never forget this day.”

WWII Veteran David Grauer

It was the best day I’ve ever had in the military. I was amazed by all of the teamwork among the volunteers!”

Vietnam Veteran Lucian Michicich

“I want to extend to all the wonderful helpers that made the Honor Flight special to me and the other Veterans a Big Thank You. I just didn’t think people cared about us. The event may be 50 years late but it helped me let go of the anger I have carried for far too long. I had a very nice time yesterday and met many fine people. What your organization did with the Honor Guard, the bands, the letters and people greeting us brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for all your time you spent to make the Honor Flight special.”

Vietnam Veteran Steven Rogers

I was so looking forward to going but I had no idea of the emotions of both joy and sadness I would experience. We were treated with such dignity and the entire itinerary was so well thought out. As I reflect back on the day, the two highlights, among so many for me, were “mail call” and the reception in our return to Chicago. I don’t think I am alone in feeling this way. I experienced such joy (and tears) at being remembered and I know others around me felt the same. Thank you for a most memorable experience.”  

Vietnam Veteran Bill Pietrowicz

“It was an extraordinary experience, and it will remain a rare treasure in my memory. I am extremely grateful for all who made it possible to be honored in this amazing way. I have never felt so appreciated for anything in my life.”  

Vietnam Veteran George Venetis

“What an experience! An awesome day! It took me 2 days to recoup emotionally. Every time I think about the day it still brings a tear–how well we were respected. The crescendo getting bigger and bigger throughout the day. Mail Call was the thing that pushed it over on the plane… Then the airport at our return. Everyone cheering and waving flags. It’s an experience you could never imagine–the care and the people, and respect I felt from everyone. (HFC) was such a well-oiled machine!”  

Vietnam Veteran Bob Reczek